Stocks Lane Primary School

Believe Encourage Succeed Together

The Nest



The NEST at Stocks Lane

The Nest is an important part of Stocks Lane Primary school, it is a safe space, where children feel comfortable, if the classroom is overwhelming they can complete class work in the Nest or just come for a chat with Mrs Whitaker (Pastoral and Nurture Support) or with any other trusted adult within our school.

Mrs Neal (Headteacher), Miss Critchley (SENDCO) and Mrs Whitaker (Pastoral and Nurture Support) have regular meetings, to discuss any issues which will have been ‘flagged up’ by teachers or parents. We also work closely with outside agencies to find the best support.

Within the Nest, we have a range of groups to support many children across school. We have intervention groups for children who struggle with their social and emotional needs, or educational needs, and children who sometimes do need that extra bit of nurturing to settle them into school life and learning.

Once a child’s needs have been identified, he/she will come to The Nest for sessions, which might be regular timetabled or incident based, depending on the needs of the child. Timetable sessions include Lego Therapy, Art therapy, Yoga, Morning Meet and Greets, Sensory Circuits, Theraplay and more.

Miss Critchley and Mrs Whitaker work closely together to deliver sessions that are targeted to each child’s needs, ensuring it is nurturing and most of all fun!


Some words from Mrs Whitaker:

Hello, my name is Mrs Whitaker, I started working at Stocks Lane in January 2024. I have a special interest in supporting children with any Social, Emotional or Mental Health needs. I absolutely love working with Children and helping them reach their full potential, this could be supporting them in the classroom, delivering interventions in the Nest or even just a little ‘pep talk’ in the playground. I believe it is important to build strong relationships with children by getting to know them as individuals and understanding their personalities. Once that connection is formed, they feel safe and ready to learn. The children here at Stocks Lane know they can come to me with any problem big or small. I feel very lucky that I have the opportunity to work with children and make a difference in their lives.