Stocks Lane Primary School

Believe Encourage Succeed Together


We are a Year 1 class.

           Our teacher is Miss Stack and our teaching assistant is                Miss Atkinson.

Mrs Green is our SEND assistant.

Click the link to access our topic web for this term which is

'We are Britain'. 

The Difference Between the UK, Great Britain, and England |

In Art we have been practising our weaving skills. We have used our skills to create a picture of the sea and decorated it with our own rainbow fish and glitter! 

In English we have been writing letters to Santa. We walked to the post box to post them. 

Lots of spooky fun for Halloween! 

We spent time learning the poem ‘All About Me’ by Jessica McDonald for our topic All About Me! 

Please click here to see your child's reading focuses for the year.

Please click here to see your child's oracy focuses for the year

Long Term Plan