School Council
Our School Councillors met today and started their first project - to create an eco-brick.
Can you get involved and make one of your own? - ask Mrs Keeble for details.
Our youngest School Councillors planting our protected tree in the Queen's name.
School Council
Our school hall was transformed into Stocks Lane's Polling Station for the elections of our School Councillors.
All 40 applicants presented their persuasive speeches to their classmates in the morning.
In the afternoon, every child in school cast their vote by marking a cross on their ballot paper and placing it in the box.
Congratulations to Stocks Lane's School Councillors
Acer Class Topic Launch
The air-raid siren warned and we took cover.
We prepared for evacuation by completing identity cards and..
and making our gas mask cases.
We boarded the train and had juice and jam sandwiches whilst...
looking to see where they were being evacuated to.
We then made a no cook chocolate cake - Yum!